Best time to travel to Merida Mexico – MID airport

Wondering what is the best time to travel to Merida Mexico? This page provides information about the number of passengers arriving monthly at Merida Mexico (MID) airport.

In the following graph, the horizontal axis represents time of year, and the vertical axis the approximate number of passenger arrivals monthly.

For non-US destination airports, counts are based on departures from the USA.


This post is about busy times of the year at Merida Mexico airport, based on the number of arriving passengers at MID. It helps answer the question when to go, and might assist in planning a trip to Merida Mexico.

Next is a plot showing approximately how full the planes flying to Merida Mexico were on average each month.


Flight information on this page may also be of interest for those looking for when is the least crowded time to visit MID, what is the best month to go to MID, when to travel to Merida Mexico, and avoiding crowds when traveling.

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